2019, Efficacy of baths with mineral-medicinal water in patients with fibromyalgia: a randomized clinical trial.
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2019, Comparison of high-frequency intensive balneotherapy with low-frequency balneotherapy combined with land-based exercise on postural control in symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a randomized clinical trial.
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2019, Evidence for the therapeutic effect in Szigetvar thermal water on osteoarthritis: a double-blind randomized, controlled clinical trial.
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2019, Outpatient balneological treatment of osteoarthritis in older persons: a retrospective study.
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2019, Efficacy of balneological outpatient treatment (hydrotherapy and peloidotherapy) for the management of chronic low back pain: a retrospective study.
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2020, Short-term benefits of balneotherapy for patients with chronic pelvic pain: a pilot study in Korea.
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2020, Balneotherapy for knee osteoarthritis in a randomized controlled trial.
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2013, Thermal water of Vetriolo, Trentino, inhibits the negative effect of interleukin-1ß on nitric oxide production and apoptosis in human osteoarthritic chondrocyte.
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