2024, Efficacy of balneotherapy on pain, function, and sleep quality in patients with chronic low-back pain: a prospective obersvational study
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2024, Laboratory features of effects of peloidtherapy and aromatherapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Pantovic SM, Roganovic MB, Slavic VG, Zvizdojevic JM Int J Biometeorol 202;468:855-860.doi: 10.1007/s00484-024-02630-8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38311644/
2024, Circulating serotonin and dopamine concentrations in osteoarthritis patients: a pilot study on the effect of pelotherapy
Galvez I, Hinchado MD, Otero E, Navarro MC, Ortega-Collazos E et al Int J Biometeorol 2024; 68:69-77. Doi: 10.1007/s00484-23-02571-8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37962646/
2023, A Novel Approach to Assess Balneotherapy Effects on Musculoskeletal Diseases -An Open Interventional Trial Combining Physiological Indicators, Biomarkers, and Patient’s Health Perception
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2023, Cardiovascular physiological effects of balneotherapy; focused on seasonal differences
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2023, Balneotherapy for osteoarthritis: a systematic review
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2023, Short-time effect of spa rehabilitation on pain, mood and quality of life among patients with degenerative or postsurgery musculoskeletal disorders
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2023, The Potential Role of Spa Therapy in Managing Frailty in Rheumatic Patients: A Scoping Review
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2022, Balneotherapy in spondyloarthropathy: A systematic review
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2022, Effects of complex spa therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the spine receiving treatments in health resorts in south-eastern Poland
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